Visitor scheme provides friendship

Would you like more friendship and companionship at home? The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme might be right for you.

The scheme, run by the Federal Government and previously called the Community Visitors Scheme, coordinates volunteers to visit older people who consider themselves socially isolated.

The scheme has operated for more than 30 years. Visits are available to anyone who is socially isolated and receives a government-subsidised Home Care Package or those on the waitlist for a Package. Unfortunately the program is not available to recipients of the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

The scheme is free and aims to provide friendship and companionship to older people, and help them develop social connections. Volunteers, who undergo training, have police checks and who are matched to older people, visit at least 20 times a year.

Older people can refer themselves to the scheme, as can aged care service providers like Jubilee Community Care, family members or friends of the older person.

For more information on the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme or to find out how to apply, phone the Queensland Community Care Network on 3062 7426.




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