A word from our Executive Director

I am delighted to inform our service was successful in a recent assessment conducted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. The Commission conducts regular assessments of the care and services provided by an aged care service provider and assesses their performance of services against the Aged Care Quality Standards. The successful assessment is of great comfort and confidence for clients receiving care from our wonderful support workers and volunteers, and supervision and management provided by our coordinators, finance and administration employees, and Board members. Well done and thank you to all.

The Jubilee Community Care Board is seeking expressions of interest from skilled and experienced people to join the Board, in particular to fill the roles of Treasurer and Secretary. The Board would also welcome contact from people with human resource, marketing or IT experience. Expressions of interest can be forwarded in confidence to myself care of the Jubilee Community Care office, via telephone to the office or email sriley@jccagedcare.org.au

Jubilee welcomes Sarah Edwards, our new Manager of Care Services, after the recent resignation of former manager Sharon Forbes. Sharon made the decision to resign and seek new challenges and opportunities in a role aligned to her personal needs. She was farewelled at a morning tea in the office. We wish Sharon well personally and professionally. I am delighted to welcome Sarah who started with us in early June. Sarah is an experienced nurse with diverse management skills in leading teams, hands-on experience in client case management, care planning, quality and governance and compliance in line with the Aged Care Quality Standards. We look forward to Sarah bringing her skills and experience to Jubilee Community Care.

Jubilee, like other community aged care service providers, is facing the continual challenge of recruitment and staff availability. While we provide services seven days a week our support workers have set days/times applicable to their personal needs, sometimes they are unwell and not able to attend work or have annual leave. If your usual support worker is not available we will roster another to your service. We encourage you to continue with your service to ensure care and support services are provided applicable to your needs.
Lastly, thank you to our clients, their families, our employees and volunteers for your ongoing messages of support for the services provided by Jubilee.

Kind regards,
Shaun Riley, Executive Director



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