Move over Carey, Malouf and Winton…Jubilee Community Care has a group of its own clients who have become first-time authors!
Five Jubilee clients – Candy, Denise, Tim, Jill and Terry – have had their stories and poems published in Have I Got A Story! All five were participants in Jubilee’s creative writing courses over the past two years.
After completion, their works were collated by Jubilee activities office Vicki and course director and author, Fiona Ware before the treasured keepsake was brought to life by Jamie from Rise Within Creations.
The book was launched at a special event in early December.
Vicki said the 65-page book featured some poetry but mostly stories about each author’s life, developed during the course. Stories of childhoods in Fiji and country towns, life in regional Queensland, stories about the homes of inspiring writers and stories of alien life forms are intertwined with introductions about each author.
“We decided that because of the clients’ passions in what they were writing that it needed to be shared with their families and friends in a book,” Vicki said.
Author Tim said t was scary having his stories published. “It has been really interesting doing the course and I’m pleased to have done it,” he said. “I have also enjoyed meeting the others too.”
Fiona said she felt compelled to publish the book to honour the courage each participant showed in expressing themselves.
“It takes enormous courage to put words on paper, especially when you are a senior,” she said. “They were just so brave and embraced the writing workshops, made good friends with one another and encouraged each other. I know how powerful the written word is so I wanted them to have something beautiful at the end of it.”
Jubilee Community Care will host more creative writing courses this year. Keep a watch on upcoming newsletters or phone Vicki to find out more on 3871 3220.
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