For the past couple of years many of us have been more sedentary than we would have liked. With COVID-19 restrictions limiting our time in the community it has been easy to make ourselves too comfortable at home.
With the sun shining and COVID and influenza vaccines now being administered have you considered getting moving again? A few minutes in the sunshine each day is essential to keep your vitamin D levels up and your bones strong. Senior home care begins with you, and the physical activity will help you look and feel better, and is good for your body and mind.
The Queensland Government recommends older people do some form of physical activity, no matter what their age, weight, health problems or abilities. Even a slight increase in your daily activity can make a difference to your health and wellbeing. Existing health problems may not stop you from being physically active every day – activities can be adjusted. Speak first to your doctor about exercising or increasing your activity levels.
At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days is recommended. This amount is needed to keep your heart, lungs, muscles and bones in good working order. Try to be active in as many ways as possible, doing activities that incorporate fitness, strength, flexibility and balance.
If you can’t do 30 minutes now start with 10 minutes once or twice a day. After two weeks, make it 15 minutes twice a day and you will have reached your goal of 30 minutes a day. Moderate intensity activity is advised but this doesn’t mean you have to puff and pant or work up a sweat – but it’s okay if you do.
And if you want to get out and about while exercising come and join Jubilee’s exercise programs at local gyms specifically catering to seniors. All programs are individually catered to your fitness and physical needs.
Classes run every Tuesday and Friday – see our activities calendars on pages 9-11 and talk to our activities officer Vicki on 3871 3220 if you would like to find out more.
Exercise should incorporate fitness, strength, flexibility and balance. Here are some ideas.
** Fitness activities: Brisk walking, yard and garden work, tennis, dancing, mopping and vacuuming, cycling and swimming.
** Strength activities: Weight or resistance training exercises, lifting or carrying, climbing stairs, moderate yard work, calisthenics.
** Flexibility activities: Tai chi, bowls, mopping, vacuuming, stretching, dancing, yoga, gardening.
** Balancing activities: Exercises like heel raises, side leg raises, and stand up/sit down exercises.