Meet Marj, a Jubilee Community Care support worker

1. Tell us a bit about yourself: I was born in Tenterfield many moons ago, the youngest of 10 children. I went to Casino High School. From there I went to Sydney to complete my nursing training. I have two wonderful children and six grandchildren. I love pottery, floral arranging and cooking.

2.What do you love about working at Jubilee? I love working at Jubilee because of the support and caring nature of everyone, from other support workers to all in management.

3. How would you describe your role? I feel my role is to give support, care and to treat clients with dignity and kindness.

4. What is something that makes you smile? It is to see my grandchildren achieve their dreams and to know that in some small way I have been part of that.

5. What is something you have learned working at Jubilee? We as a team bring so much joy and love to our clients on a daily basis.

6. What do you like better – sweet or savoury? Perhaps a little of both but at this time of year, all in moderation.

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