Jubilee Community Care has a range of activities to keep seniors engaged, safe and active in their community. And seniors do not have to be a Jubilee client to take advantage of the activities. So if you want to get out and about, or know someone who does, share the news.
Jubilee Wanderers: Meet new friends and visit some interesting places around South-East Queensland. Trips include visits to landmarks, renowned and historic venues, barbecues, fish and chips by the sea, talks and more. The activities are promoted at www.jccagedcare.org.au/events as well as in our newsletters (See the events calendar on our website).
Exercise classes: Staying active is the best way to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Fridays at the UQ Healthy Living gym which caters to seniors.
Hydrotherapy classes: Experience the benefits of this low-impact therapy at Sinnamon Village every Monday. The health and healing benefits include reducing muscle tension and relieving pain, rehabilitating injured muscles, boosting the immune system and relieving stress. And what better way to cool down in the summer months!
Stay Standing: Our eight-week falls prevention course will run four times this year (see separate news story). It gives strategies to help you reduce the risk of falls, giving you more confidence to live the way you want. It also includes a program of home exercises and education sessions on topics such as footwear, safety at home, managing medication and continence, first aid, and vision and hearing.
With all of this on offer there is something for everyone. And if you find you are in need of other services to help you maintain your independence in your home talk to us. Jubilee Community Care provides services through Home Care Packages, the Commonwealth Home Support Program as well as privately. Depending on eligibility and needs, the services include transport, shopping, cleaning and laundry, gardening, meal preparation, social support, respite care, personal care, medication management, clinical and nursing services and allied health services.
For more information phone Jubilee on 3871 3220.
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