It has been a big year for Jubilee Community Care. While our 30th birthday has been cause for celebration there also has been other reasons to rejoice.
As previously noted, Jubilee won the Team category at the Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA) Excellence in Aged Care Awards (Queensland). The client support coordination team, pictured, will learn if it has won the national award when LASA meets for its Australian congress in late October.
Jubilee also was shortlisted as one of five Queensland finalists in the Telstra Business Awards in the category of Social Change Maker this year. The awards were held in late September after this newsletter went to print so keep an eye out in January’s newsletter to see how we fared.
Lastly, we will find out this month if Jubilee has been shortlisted as a finalist in Hesta’s Aged Care Awards. We have entered the Team Innovation and Individual Distinction categories so again, watch this space to find out if we were successful.
Jubilee director Shaun Riley said the organisation’s biggest asset was its staff, contributing to Jubilee’s success so far across the different awards programs. “One of the biggest avenues for us in terms of attracting clients is word of mouth and that is reflected back on to all of the wonderful and high quality work the support workers and volunteers do,” Mr Riley said. “The clients and their families speak about the calibre of people we employ and the quality of services they provide within the community. Without our employees we wouldn’t have had the clients as well as the longevity and success that we have had.”
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