Each year we ask our wonderful and valued staff to complete a survey that measures their job satisfaction, our internal communications and their opinions across a number of important areas of the work of Jubilee Community Care. The survey is voluntary, confidential and staff are not identified individually.
The survey took place in October 2017. We had 65 completed replies which is a 92 per cent response rate. The response rate is extraordinarily high for a survey of this kind. This underlines the highly motivated staff employed at Jubilee Community Care.
I have listed below a number of statements from the survey and the responses measured in percentages of staff agreeing with the statement. Additionally, the last 3 questions asked staff for their thoughts to the statement.
• My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment – 98% agree.
• I’m satisfied with my involvement in decisions affecting my work – 84%
• I have the appropriate amount of information to make correct decisions about my work – 95%
• I feel valued by the JCC leadership team (administrators, coordinators and management) – 92%
• I am satisfied with the information I receive from management on what is going on in JCC – 95%
• I would have no hesitation in referring someone to work at JCC – 98%
• Considering everything, I am satisfied with my job at JCC – 98%
• How motivated are you to see JCC succeed? – 100%
• What are the reasons why you like working at JCC?
Clients – relationships, assisting and helping;
Staff – great, friendly, JCC value staff;
Support Team is very approachable, feel supported, great support;
Organisation – strong, good leadership, moralistic, motivated, caring;
Great team and great team environment.
• What three words would you use to describe the culture at JCC?
Caring 48%
Supportive 33%
Friendly 20%
Other words commonly used in reply to this question were: Professional, compassionate, diligent, efficient, kind, happy, team.
• Is there any other feedback you would like to give to management and the Board of JCC?
You are doing a great job;
Keep up the good work;
I love what I do partly because of how JCC operates and its values;
Staff work as a TEAM;
I love your work.
This is a wonderful survey result in regards to staff satisfaction with their work, why staff like working at Jubilee Community Care, the culture of Jubilee and the feedback to the management committee. I also would like to inform everyone that I am extremely satisfied with my role and feel privileged to work with so many capable people.
– Shaun Riley, Jubilee Community Care Director
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