Have you received one of our 2023 calendars yet? The calendar will be distributed by support workers as they visit your home for services during January.
Its design is slightly different this year. Gone are the staff headshots that used to hang on your wall. Instead, these will be published through our newsletter twice a year to remain more timely. Make sure you keep an eye out when our April newsletter is published to have this information.
If you are still waiting on a calendar, or know someone who would like one, please feel free to talk to your support worker who can bring one next time they visit.
Jubilee Community Care also has copies of an activities book called Staying Connected, published by the RU OK? charity. The booklet contains word puzzles and other activities alongside personal stories and practical tips to build connections with other older Australians. If you would like a copy ask your support worker to bring one to your home when they next visit.
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