Get to know our staff: Catherine

Care Coordinator Catherine has been with Jubilee for eight months and loves meeting our clients.

What does your Care Coordinator position involve? I coordinate supports for consumers on Home Care Packages levels 1-4. I like to meet the consumer face to face, to talk about their life and how they are supported day to day. I am responsible for sending rostering requests, recognising changing care needs, requesting and approving consumer purchases, and managing the consumer’s HCP budget as well as reviewing yearly care plans and other paperwork. I am also involved in the intake of new consumers and anything else deemed necessary to perform my duty.

What is your home care experience? I have worked in the home care sector for more than 20 years both in aged care and disability. I have been working with Home Care Packages since they started back in 2016/17 and have a huge range of knowledge and skills that I bring to the job. I love working in a team and take great pleasure in imparting and sharing the knowledge I have with others.
Why do you like working at Jubilee? It has been interesting and has come with its own challenges as each service provider does things differently. I am genuinely happy in the team and with the organisation as a whole and I am looking forward to a long and happy future with Jubilee.

Tell us a bit about yourself: I am originally from the United Kingdom, migrating here in 2005 with my then 15-year-old son. He is now 18 years older, which means I am too! I was graced with three children and brought them up singlehandedly. My other two children came to Australia after me and have settled here too. I have five beautiful grandchildren – three in Australia and two in the UK.

Since being in Australia I have tried abseiling on the Sunshine Coast and parasailing in Bali which I loved both. I would love to parachute from a plane and plan to do this on my 100th birthday – that way I will know it will be once and once only. I love my coffee and admit to being a bit of a coffee snob.

What’s something that makes you smile? Babies and puppies.

Who would you most like to swap places with for a day and why? I would love to swap places with Elon Musk for a day so that I could have my own free, top-of-the-range Tesla car, and also fly to the moon.



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