Jubilee client Doreen is an avid poet, penning and publishing some of her works in FreeExpreSion magazine. Here’s one to brighten your day.
The Hare and the Tortoise
Said the tortoise to the hare
As together they wandered here and there.
“I’m not as old as my body
My spirit is still young and free
If you think that I’m old then I’m sorry
That’s not how it seems to me.
My brain perhaps is not so agile
And my skin is wrinkled and thin.
On my legs I’ve travelled many a mile
And I wait for each day to begin
When I like to count my blessings
And think of years gone past
As I enjoy the memory of things
I know that my spirit will last.
Think of me as old if you wish
Giving credit for the experience of years
That have given the strength to accomplish
A fortune of joy and tears.
The hare to the tortoise replied
“I know what you say is true
On appearances cannot be relied
For the revelation of the sparkle in you.”
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