Council cabs aid transport

Picture courtesy of Brisbane City Council.

Did you know Brisbane City Council organises shared taxis for residents who find it difficult to get to their local shops to do essentials such as grocery shopping, banking and using post office services?

You can use the Council Cabs Service if you are over 60 years, or mobility impaired, or a Pensioner Concession Card or Centrelink Seniors Card holder. If you are eligible to use this service, you may be accompanied by a carer.

The scheduled service picks you up from your home and takes you to your local shopping centre. Each one-way trip costs between $1 and $2.50 and the fare is paid to the driver as you board. All Council Cabs honour the Queensland Government Companion Card. Mobility aids can be catered for and wheelchair accessible vehicles are available.

To make sure there is room for everyone, shopping is limited to five recycled plastic shopping bags or three green recycled shopping bags, or the equivalent, per passenger.

Council Cabs operate weekly or twice weekly across Brisbane. To book a Council Cabs service, phone 3403 2227. You will need to register to start using the service. You can reserve your seat before noon prior to the day you want to use the service or request that your booking be made permanent.




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