The summer has already delivered a raft of storms and some minor flooding with more expected to come. If you have not yet worked out how you might react to an emergency now is the time.
Firstly, if you are in immediate danger phone the police, fire or ambulance on 000. If you are use a TTY phone then call 106 to send text messages to emergency services.
You can prepare for a natural disaster or emergency by developing an emergency kit. This kit should include food and water; a torch; portable phone charger and cable; a battery powered radio and extra batteries; cooking equipment such as a portable stove and a pan; a first aid kit; medications and prescriptions; warm protective clothing and shoes; sturdy gloves; toiletries; and pet supplies.
You should also have important documents in your kit such as emergency phone numbers of family and friends in your support network, passports, insurance papers, birth certificate, your will, and a note identifying your medical conditions, medicines and when you take your medicines.
Before an emergency you also should find out the location of your nearest emergency evacuation centre. Brisbane City Council will notify the public of centres via their website, social media and television or you can phone 3403 8888. Refuge centres in the Moreton Bay Council area are at Albany Creek Library at 16 Ferguson St, Albany Creek; Arana Hills Library at 63 Cobbity Cres, Arana Hills, while evacuation centres are at South Pine Indoor Sports Centre at 620 South Pine Rd, Brendale; and Samford Community Centre at 41 School Rd, Samford Village. For more information phone the council on 3205 0555.
Road closure updates and alerts will be identified on the QLDTraffic app on your phone or tablet device, via the website or phone 13 19 40. If you do not have access to a car find out what plans there are for the evacution of people without access to private transport.
It is important to identify a support network that can help you in an emergency – family, friends and neighbours. This support network can help you prepare your home – shopping for supplies, clearing your yard and accessing sandbags.
If you have found yourself or your property affected by floods and storms the State Emergency Services (SES) is available to help by phoning 132 500. You may also need to contact other important services such as your electricity, gas, water and internet provider. Keep the numbers for these in an easily accessible place such as the fridge.
And if you need assistance from Jubilee or have our services scheduled we would appreciate an update as soon as possible.
If you chose to stay home during a disaster, move to a safe place such as a higher floor or basement. Keep your emergency kit at hand. If you need to evacuate stay calm, leave as early as possible and take your emergency kit. Work out your preferences – you may wish to stay with family or friends rather than an evacuation centre.
You can return home only when advised it is safe to do so by emergency services. If need by, ask your support network of family and friends for help with any work or clearing up that needs doing. Also, contact your insurance company for help in assessing any damage.
You may feel emotionally vulnerable. Feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness or distress are common after any disaster. Talk to your doctor and consider asking for a referral to a counsellor or psychologist to help you through this time.
** Police, Fire, Ambulance: 000 or 106 (TTY)
** State Emergency Service: 132 500
** Brisbane City Council: 3403 8888
** Moreton Bay Council: 3205 5666
** Road Closures: 13 19 40
** Urban Utilities (water): 13 23 64
** Energex: 13 19 62
** Lifeline: 13 11 14
** Community Recovery Hotline: 1800 173 349
** Qld Government emergency housing: 13 74 68
** Gas: Your supplier or 000 if you can still smell gas after turning off your supply.